Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Kids can tell jokes...!!!
here are some of there jokes,
maybe they put a smile on your face
or maybe they put some happiness in your heart
What do you feed an invisible cat?
Evaporated milk. (Courtney, age 11)

Q. Why did the chicken cross the road?
A. To prove he wasn't chicken. (Noey, age 9)

David: "Sally, you're stupid."
David's mum: "Say you're sorry, David."
David: "I'm sorry you're stupid, Sally." (by Antonia)

What key doesn't fit in a key hole?
A monkey. (Katie, age 12)

What did the pencil sharpener say to the pencil?
Stop going in circles and get to the point! (Brian, age 11)

What dress you can't wear?
An address! (Kristine, age 10)

Why do you never see giraffes in colleges?
Because they only go to high schools!! (Daryan, age 11)

How do you stop a dog from barking in the back garden?
Put it in the front. (Sg, age 9)

Why is 6 scared of 7?
Because 7 ate 9! [Syafiqah, age 9]

What's black and white and noisy?
A zebra with a drum. (Ceilidh, age 6)

Why is "t" so inportant to a stick insect?
Because without it, it would be a sick insect! [Chloe and Jake]

What is a frog's favorite drink?
Croaka-Cola. (George, age 5)

Why did the cat sit on the computer?
To keep an eye on the mouse. (Kayleigh, age 12)

Why do cows wear bells?
Because their horns don't work.(Sam,age 7)

A man was sent to jail, and he really wanted to get out
so he dug a hole under the ground until he got to a school playground.
He was really happy so he shouted, "I am free!"
A little girl said, "So what, I am four. I am older.(
George, age 8)

What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck! (Devon, age 10)

Where do cows go to on Saturday nights?
To the mooovies. (Hannah, age 9)